
Persian rugs are made from natural sheep’s wool. Therefore, a Persian rug is a sustainable and durable product by nature. However, regularly cleaning your rug will support its longevity. Here are a few tips and tricks
  • Vacuum-clean the rug in the direction of the pile and rotate it frequently. This will help to keep dust and dirt away. Fun Fact: Did you know that 30 minutes of vacuuming burns around 110 calories? Well, now you now! So if you wish, you can see your rug cleaning as a little workout. 
  • Dust off your rug! To free your rug from possible dirt and particles take your rug outside and "just beat it" in addition to the vacuuming. This will keep your rug fresh and clean. 
  • Rugs are sensitive to daylight, which means that they might change their colour over time if exposed to strong sunlight daily. Keep that in mind if you wish to preserve the vibrant colours of your rug. If you would like to change the colour of your rug, you are more than welcome to place it someplace flooded with sunlight. 
  • In case you spill something onto your rug, and it dries, remove it promptly by scraping it carefully toward the middle of the spot. In case of a wet stain caused by beverages, make sure not to rub it with a towel. We know, it intuitively feels right, but chances are, that you rub the dirt more in-depth into the pile. Carefully absorb the liquid with paper towels, damp with cloth and mild detergent. 
  • If you're unable to remove spots or stains from your rug, please contact a professional rug cleaner – he will know what to do!

Rug washing 

Breathe new life into your rug and bring the colours and texture to life with a professional washing. Whether it is a fine Persian rug or a minimalistic woolen rug: we are happy to accept your washing requests. Together with our professional rug cleaner, whom we have been working with for several decades, we guarantee you a trust-worthy and high quality cleaning service. 

Rug repair 

Your rug is losing fringes? Threads are sticking out the pile and the bordure got loose over years of usage? We are happy to advise you individually and offer you a tailor-made repair for your piece. As each rug needs an individual evaluation we would like to ask yo to send us an e-mail for your enquiry. Please send us the following information for your rug service request: 
- Your name 
- Pictures of the rug with details of the problem areas 
- Size and material of the rug 
- Short description of the service you're looking for 

Please send your e-mail to: hello@rugtales.com After we have checked all the information, we will respond to your request with a customised offer.